Master in International Business
The online Corporate Finance programme offers two options :
- Financial engineering
- Bank and Insurance.
In partnership with
This MiB master's degree has been designed in partnership with ESC Clermont and the Chaare Tsedek Central University (UCC). ESC Clermont is a French Grande École belonging to the Conference of Grandes Écoles and AACSB accredited. UCC is a private university approved by the Government of the State of Côte d'Ivoire..

Job opportunities
MiB Corporate Finance trains students in a variety of professions, in West Africa and internationally, such as account managers or customer advisors, directors of small agencies or deputy directors of larger agencies, portfolio manager or in marketing, compliance or human resources.
- The program takes place over twelve months of courses and six months of project and internship. The curriculum consists of theoretical and practical courses and provides periods of internship for students. The faculty will be mainly composed of professionals from the sector.
- The aim of this Master's programme is to provide students with in-depth knowledge of finance, the functioning of financial markets and products. The MiB Corporate Finance is designed to be multidisciplinary and to provide a global vision of the sector. This master's degree also covers financing for professional clients and small and young companies, performance management using dashboards, negotiation techniques, brokerage, insurance products (life and non-life), risk management and asset management, etc. You will also have the opportunity to acquire managerial and behavioural skills, as well as a sector-specific culture that will enable you to progress rapidly as a manager in a sector that is constantly developing and recruiting.
- Students alternate between video lectures, practical work (video or simulation), projects and work placements
- At the end of the BAC+5 course, students pass a series of exams and an English test. An average of 12/20 in these exams is required to obtain the diploma.
French diploma optional
As an option, students can register for additional paid exams to obtain, at the end of the course, a French and internationally recognized diploma, accredited AACSB, from the ESC Clermont-Ferrand Business School.
Common core :
- Company diagnosis
- Business valuation
- Business plan
- Risk Management
- International Finance
- Financial strategy
- Cash flow and banking relations
- Risk capital and innovation financing
- Applied IT
Complementary option subjects
Financial engineering
- Financial reporting
- Accounting and taxation
- Financial econometrics
Bank & Insurance
- Insurance theory and practics
- Banking and insurance law
- Life and non-life insurance actuarial
Dissertation & Internship
- Research paper methodology
- Dissertation
- Internship/ Project / Setting up a business
Accessible to students who have completed 180 ECTS and hold a bachelor's degree in :
- Economics / Management
- Finance
- Business administration
- Marketing and strategy
- Management and business administration
- Financial engineering
- Or a professional degree in banking or insurance
This programme leads to two diplomas

Teaching method
The courses will take place onlline , by videoconference, evenings and weekends, in the form of lectures or practical work.
At the same time, students will have access to an asynchronous online learning platform ( The online resources will enable students to learn at their own pace, by consulting the content made available by the teachers.

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